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ABOUT Fast ForWord


A Smarter Language and Reading Intervention Program for Struggling Readers and English Language Learners

Fast ForWord is an evidence-based program that uses a revolutionary 3-step intervention model to directly target and fix the root causes of language and reading difficulty so learners make fast improvements that continue even after they finish the program. No other intervention does this. Designed by renowned neuroscientists, Fast ForWord is the ideal solution for K-12 intervention, at-home intervention, or clinical support intervention.




Courtesy of Sonic Learning Australia














Language and Reading Intervention Personalized to Each Learner



Elementary Intervention

Fast ForWord provides dozens of skill-building exercises for grade K-5 learners.


Secondary Intervention

Fast ForWord provides dozens of skill-building exercises for grade 6-12+ learners.


Smart Learning Technology

Fast ForWord's SmartLearning Technology is what powers the program's revolutionary intervention.


Digital Guided Oral Reading

Fast ForWord's Reading Assistant tool acts like a personal guided reading coach for every learner. 


Automated Assessment

Fast ForWord Reading Progress Indicator (RPI) assessments provide accurate, reliable progress information. 


Real-Time Reporting

Fast ForWord provides real-time data analysis and online reporting to track and monitor learner progress. 


Fix Language and Reading Problems Fast: 3-Step Intervention Model

Fast ForWord prepares the brain for reading by improving the language and cognitive skills that are weak in struggling students (MAPS — memory, attention, processing speed, and sequencing).


With Fast ForWord, your students receive personalized, intensive practice on a wide variety of language and reading skills - more than any other approach or intervention. Intensity is the key to getting far better results — fast.


Using speech verification technology, our program listens to students as they read aloud and provides corrective guided reading feedback to help reinforce new language and reading skills and rapidly build fluency and comprehension.


See the Difference

Enhanced thinking and learning skills that result in more confident, engaged learners.


Better reading fluency and reading comprehension skills.

Improved performance on summative language and reading assessments.


Continued learning growth even after the program is completed.





We Can Help people flourish & succeed.

To Find Out More:
Complete Contact Form


For Fluency, Articulation & Comprehension Practice, the stand alone Reading Assistant Plus Program Provides Specialized Training & Support in addition to the standard Fast ForWord Family of Programs

In The



Year-Round Programs



As Little as 30 minutes a day/3-5 days a

week working online from home.




Click Pic Below for Info


Want to Learn More About Fast ForWord?

If you’re interested in learning more about Fast ForWord and how it helps the hardest to reach learners improve their reading and language skills, let us know! We’re happy to send you more information or schedule a personal demonstration.

Neuroscience Background & Program Overview

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